Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to cleanse your eyelash extensions

Hi lash babes, this blog will explain the importance of cleaning your eyelash extensions and how to properly cleanse your lashes for better retention and healthy and clean lashes.

First: Why is it important to cleanse your eyelash extensions?

Naturally our lashes help protect our eyes from dirt and debris. therefore, when we apply lash
extensions the same natural process takes place except now there is more hair to catch all that dirt and debris. If we're not cleaning our lashes on a regular basis the dirt starts to build up and bacteria starts to form which can lead to irritation and even infection such as Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).

Also, our eyelids produce natural oils like the rest of our skin, this oil along with other oils and oil based products will break down the glue and ruin retention. It is important to cleanse these oils away to prevent poor retention. This is why it is important to invest in a good lash cleanser! and use it frequently. 

Second: What is a constitutes a good lash cleanser?

Lash extension cleansers are often water-based also sometimes gel based and are specifically formulated to be safe enough to use for lash extensions and the eye area. You want to make sure you stay away from any cleanser that have oil ingredients. A good lash cleanser is Ph balanced so it wont sting your eyes. Most are also formulated to remove makeup. It should effectively removed dirt debris and makeup from the eye area with out affecting the bond of the extension to the natural lash. Find ones that are natural and paraben free. 

Third: How to properly cleanse your lashes

Start by applying one pump of the lash cleanser directly onto the closed eyelid or on the lash cleansing brush or makeup brush. You want to ensure your work through the lashes gently while making sure you're really get in between the lashes to cleanse away any dirt, oil, and debris. Rinse away with water and pat dry with a soft lint free towel. To ensure your lashes stay fluffy like after your appointments, dry them off with a mini fan while combing them with a spooly (mascara wand). 

Product suggestions:

It is important to invest in a good lash cleanser, you spend time and money on making your lashes look amazing. Getting them done is half the job, going that extra mile to taking care of them will ensure they last longer. You wont regret it! Here are some suggestions for great industry known cleanser: 

Lash Detox - Bella Lash retails for $14- $30

Foam Lash Cleanser - Lash Artisan retails for $15

Eyelash Shampoo - The Beauty House retails for $17.55

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